Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Another slow night, but that's OK

About 500 words tonight, and I'm calling it quits already.  What a slacker I am!

Eh.  Bite me.  I was lucky to get that many words.

Was a long, long day to start off with.  That's the chief thing I have to remember: this isn't my primary job.  In my day job, I managed an accreditation visit with zero findings, which is a rare happening at best.  I finished the Academic Probation list, and started the task of calling the students in to tell them their academic careers might be ending...not really a hard task, but emotionally draining.  I taught a class of 7 students who've already told me they don't want to be in my class, which is draining in several ways.  And I spun off and rewarded a class who had perfect attendance, which was great but took my time away from other things.  All considered, not bad, and I love my job, but...tiring.

I came home really intending to go grocery shopping with my wife, a project I'd been promising for days, and then to participate in that bliss we call sleep.  Instead, we went to dinner.  A nice dinner, of course.  Well...really, a mediocre dinner at a nice dinner price, but I got to watch my wife lick the chocolate off of a martini glass, which in itself is worth more money than I can afford. 

So, anyways...I got home tired and ready for bed, but I've always been one of those "just do something" types.  I figured at a minimum I should add a little to the story.  Five hundred words later, I was done for the night.  Really, it's not bad for a night where the goal was "greater than 1" but it's not huge by Stephen King's "2K to 2.5K" standards.  In any event, I think it's good to let the 500 words rest, acknowledge that I'm doing this as a secondary, if that, career, in which I may never make a dime, and get some rest for tomorrow before tomorrow smacks me in the face. 

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